
Imitation Exercise: "Don't keep a secret" and "Angels and Demonds"

This is an imitation exercise for American English accent training. The goal here is to mimic sounds, don't worry if you don't understand every word you say! Please focus simply on imitating.

HBO show "Bored to Death"
Angels and Demonds

How many users does Facebook have?


-ed? -ing?

If you want to practice -ed or -ing adjectives, click HERE and you'll find a self-access drill. Good luck


Restaurant Income and Expenditure - Comprehension Exercise - UsingEnglish.com

Click HERE to look at a graph that shows a restaurant's income, total expenditure and advertising costs over an eight-month period and then follow the instructions

Restaurant Income and Expenditure - Comprehension Exercise - UsingEnglish.com


High-Speed Trains May Be Coming to California, Florida

People in Europe and Asia have enjoyed high-speed trains for years. This Japanese train set a speed record of 581 kilometers an hour. Yet the fastest American train reaches less than half that speed. It operates only between Washington and Boston. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says changes are coming to American trains.

Building Art Out of Legos