
Former IMF chief released from house arrest

Reuters photo

Former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was released from house arrest on Friday, after prosecutors raised questions about the credibility of the accuser. A New York City judge agreed to return his bail and lift some pre-trial restrictions on his movements.

More details emerged Saturday about the hotel maid who accused Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault.

In a letter Friday to Strauss-Kahn's lawyers, prosecutors said the 32-year-old maid had changed details about what she did immediately after the alleged attack by Strauss-Kahn. They also said she lied about being gang-raped in Guinea, her native country, as part of an application for U.S. asylum.

Soon after the incident the maid spoke with her boyfriend, who is in prison on a drug possession charge.
The telephone conversation was recorded. She told him " Strauss-Kahn has a lot of money. I know what I am doing"

The New York Times has reported she also may have links to criminal activities such as drug dealing and money laundering.

Despite his release Friday from house arrest, the prosecution said it is not yet moving to dismiss sexual assault and attempted rape charges against him. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The maid's attorney has insisted her case still stands, saying she has consistently described a "violent sexual assault" that Strauss-Kahn committed against her and has not changed her story about that encounter.

The next court date is set for July 18.

After reading the article, please ask questions so as to get the following answers

1. On Friday
2. Because there are some doubts about the credibility of the accuser.
3. His bail
4. On Saturday
5. 32 years old
6. Details about what she did after the alleged attack
7. With her boyfriend
8. Soon after the incident
9. Because of drug possession
10. Yes, it was
11. "He has a lot of money, I know what I'm doing"
12. Perhaps
13. On July 18th
14. I don't think so