
Lost but not found (video)

  • A -  Read the article and reword the underlined expressions

When young Grayson lost Teddy, his favorite teddy bear, on a recent Southwest flight to New Orleans, his mother Chrissy Mulligan tried to locate it to no avail.
She reached out to Southwest on social media about the missing bear but the airline couldn't find it either.
But almost a month later, she posted good news.  
"I received a call last week from a gentleman at Southwest Airlines corporate office. He said that my Facebook post on Southwest’s  page caught a lot of attention ... Internally they talked about the next steps and came up with an idea to send Grayson a new bear along with a picture book explaining how he was coming to live with Grayson."
The bear says, "It's been a busy season here at Southwest Airlines, and I'm almost all done with my work here. Guess what!? I get to come live with you! I'm so excited about meeting my new best friend. I wanted to share some pictures of what I do at Southwest and my trip to meet you!"
The bear can be seen doing everything from working on the tarmac, inspecting the cockpit and getting the plane ready for passengers.
Mulligan wrote a thank you message on Southwest’s Facebook page.
"You have some very special people who work for this airline, with some of the kindest hearts," she wrote. "This story alone is adorable! I know Teddy was never found and we know there were so many people involved in finding him and our other post was shared over and over again to try and find him. We were very overwhelmed with the response it received."
She also revealed the new bear's name: Jack.
Southwest spokesperson Derek Hubbard said in a statement: "Ready for a new friend and loving home, our Southwest Airlines teddy bear made his trek across the friendly skies, making sure to document every step of the way. Grayson and his new friend 'Jack' have been inseparable ever since.

  • B - Please ask questions so as to get the following answers

1.       Teddy, his favorite teddy bear.
2.       To New Orleans.
3.       She couldn’t.
4.       A month later.
5.       A new teddy bear and a book.
6.       Jack.
7.       Yes, he will.
8.       I don’t think so.

  • C - How about finishing these sentences?

  1.   When Grayson realized he had lost Teddy, his favorite toy, he couldn’t help _____
  2.   As Grayson was so sad, his mother Chrissy Mulligan ._____
  3.   She tried to find the bear by phoning several areas and contacting many Southwest offices.  However. _____
  4.  Since her Facebook post on Southwest’s  page caught a lot of attention _____
  5.  As soon as Southwest came up with the idea of sending Grayson a new bear _____

Article from USA Today (edited)

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