
Football talk in the workplace

Ann Francke

Chartered Management Institute head Ann Francke (photo) said sports chat can exclude women.
"A lot of women, in particular, feel left out," she told the BBC's Today programme."They don't follow those sports and they don't like either being forced to talk about them or not being included. I have nothing against sports enthusiasts or cricket fans - that's great. But the issue is many people aren't football fans. Bosses should crack down on sports chat.”
Ms Francke is concerned that discussing football and, for example, the merits of video assistant refereeing (VAR) can disproportionately exclude women and divide offices.
Anyway, Ms Francke does not think sports chatter should be banned, just moderated. She said that good managers should be inclusive and ensure that everyone in their team feels comfortable.
But sports journalist Jacqui Oatley thinks cracking down on sports chatter would be a "terrible idea".
"If you ban football chat, then all you're going to do is alienate the people who actually want to communicate with each other," she told the Today programme.“It would be so, so negative to tell people not to talk about sport because girls don't like it or women don't like it, that's far more divisive. The secret was to discuss sport in an inclusive way and to notice if people are blankly staring into space during the conversation.”
And the majority of people responding to a LinkedIn post from the BBC appear to agree with Ms Oatley.
Office manager Debra Smyth worries that other topics could also be censored if sport chatter is banned. "I personally think companies should not dictate what people talk about, as not talking about it will alienate those with similar interests. Where would it end? Banning people with children  from talking about them so as not to alienate people without children. Certainly not!"
Recruiter Peter Ferguson said: "I have seen managers and staff build a more direct bond over a shared love of sport which has excluded those who don't share that interest. The answer is not to ban the conversation, it is to ensure managers and staff are trained to understand that those shared interests should not get in the way of management decisions or working collaboratively."

   From BBC (edited)