
A gym's equipment

Be Strong Gym owner Drew Whitted (photo) didn't want his clients to give up on their fitness goals while abiding by Illinois' stay-at-home order. So, he told members to come pick up equipment and take it with them, free of charge.

Whitted is among the many across the US who had to close his business' doors amid the coronavirus pandemic. But, he knew many of his members were missing their regular workout routines -- so he told members they could sign up to check out items to use at home while the studio is closed.

About 80 members of Be Strong Gym took Whitted up on his offer. In total, the gym distributed about $40,000 worth of equipment, including barbells, weights, exercise bikes, rowers and mats.

"It was awesome," Whitted said. "We cleared the gym out in less than two hours."

The gym has been holding online training sessions every day, so members can work out together virtually.

Currently eight people work at the gym, and Whitted said he plans to keep paying them for as long as the shutdown lasts.

"My staff will not miss a single dollar for their paycheck for as long as it takes," he said.

Before the pandemic hit Paulette Cocco used to work out at Be Strong three or four times a week. She was able to borrow a barbell, some weights and a heavy wall ball.

She said the online workouts have helped keep the gym's community spirit. "So you see people posting their pictures and their workouts and makes you feel ... pressured, almost like 'I gotta get my workout in '"

Whitted offered members a free month to make up for the time that the gym has been closed. But he got calls from several members insisting the gym still take their dues.

"I personally don't want to take that offer because he's been so generous," Cocco said. Her oldest daughter and her husband have started working out with her, and they might join the gym when it reopens.

Whitted said one pro of people having to stay at home is that many are getting their families involved in their workouts.

"Now I see a whole family getting through this tough time doing these workouts together, bonding together, becoming healthier and happier together as a family unit. I expect the equipment will flow back in once I can reopen because members will be excited to work out together again.”

From CNN (edited)