
Volkswagen Beetle in Mexico

Driving a 1996 Volkswagen Beetle up a steep hill in Cuautepec 

German automaker Volkswagen (VW) ended production of its Beetle model in 2019. But some communities around the world are still demonstrating a lasting love for this famous vehicle.

One such area is Cuautepec, a neighborhood outside of Mexico City. There are so many VW Beetles in the area that some local people even nicknamed the neighborhood “Vocholandia.” In Mexico, the VW Beetle is known as the “vocho.”

The vehicle has a long history in the Mexican capital. At one time, VW Beetles were commonly used as taxis throughout the city. But today, the northern neighborhood of Cuautepec is the place to go to see the most Beetles.

Janette Navarro is the owner of a 1996 Beetle. Navarro lives in the neighborhood. One reason the cars are so popular is because the community is hilly, and the Beetle’s back-positioned engine provides added power.

“No other car gets up here,” Navarro said. “Just the vocho.” She drives her VW as a taxi. She started the job eight years ago to support her three children. The job helped her put them through school.

The first Beetle was introduced in Germany in 1938. The first vehicle was developed by Austrian-born automotive engineer Ferdinand Porsche. The Beetle grew to become very popular in the United States and in other countries. It is known as “the people’s car.”

Beetles were manufactured in Mexico, but production of older models ended in 2003. A newer model was produced after that, but VW stopped all manufacturing of the vehicles in 2019.

The number of vochos is dropping off in Mexico City. Repairman David Enojosa said his family’s shop used to specialize mainly in Beetle parts. But now, they are no longer as easy to get because VW stopped production five years ago.

Enojosa predicted that if shortages continue, the area’s Beetles will disappear in two or three years. He added, “Before we had too many parts for vochos, now there aren’t enough.”

Volkswagen Beetle taxi drivers change a flat tire in Cuautepec 

From VOA News (edited)

AP Photos/Aurea Del Rosario