
Swiss guard new helmets

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VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican’s Swiss Guard, the colorfully dressed mini-army that helps protect the pope, will have cooler heads.  Their ancient metal helmets will be swapped for ones made by 3-D printers.

The new helmets, made of a thermoplastic, were distributed to the corps last month on the 513th anniversary of their foundation as a mercenary force in 1506.

They are nearly identical in appearance to the previous version and bear the coat of arms of Pope Julius II, who first used the corps for his personal protection.

One of the main advantages of the new helmets is that they will not heat up like the metal ones, so  the guards will sweat less.

The old helmets, made in Austria, weighed two kilograms, while the new ones, made in Switzerland, weigh 570 grams.

The 110 men of Swiss Guard wear the ceremonial uniforms of yellow, red and blue stripes at official papal services such as masses and visits by heads of state.

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