How about filling in the
blanks with the following words?
as long as
due to the fact that
The Royal Academy of Medicine
of Belgium published a legal opinion arguing that veganism is 'unsuitable for
unborn children, children, teenagers, and pregnant and lactating women'.
One of the professors behind
the report, Georges Casimir, says that parents who choose to raise children on
a vegan diet should be prosecuted , in his opinion, vegan parenting qualifies as
'non-assistance to a person in danger' - a criminal offense that carries a
prison sentence of up to two years. Casimir claims children need
'higher requirements for protein and essential fatty acids. the body 'does not produce them' naturally, nutrients
must be 'brought in via animal products'.
, the American Dietetic
Association states: "Appropriately planned vegetarian diets,
including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally
adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of
certain diseases. Vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all
stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood,
and adolescence, and for athletes they are well planned."
rights group PETA reacted angrily to the ruling of the Belgian medical
association. "Nutritionists
confirm that a meat- and dairy-based diet can
strike people down in adulthood – it can lead to hardened arteries that cause stroke,
brain aneurysms, and heart attacks. , a well-planned vegan diet is
perfect for babies and children.
"Kids, including my own,
thrive on a balanced vegan diet. as with any dietary regime,
it's the parent's responsibility to ensure their child is getting all the
necessary nutrients."
Heather Russell, dietitian at The Vegan
Society, said: “Nutritional planning is important for everyone, not just
vegans. it’s possible to provide all the nutrients needed for
growth and development without animal products.”
A survey
published last year found that 44 percent of Belgians had cut their meat
consumption they are very fond of Flemish beef
stew and frites cooked in animal fat. Sixteen percent of Belgians said they eat
mostly vegetarian.