
Say "Thank you!!"

A Frenchman will pay the price for texting and calling his ex-girlfriend 21,807 times over a 10-month stretch.

The 33-year-old man was sentenced to four months in jail and to pay a $1,300 fine. He admitted in court that he was trying to reach her to receive compensation or a "thank you" for improvements on their apartment he made before they broke up.

"It was stupid," he said yesterday. At the time his logic was: “Until she returns the money, she pays back for work I carried in our apartment, or at least says thank you, I will not stop the calls."

The 32-year-old ex girlfriend received an average of 73 calls per day, including 100 during the hour-and-a-half she spent filing charges against him. She blocked his calls, but he just called her parents instead. 

He kept up the harassment until she finally expressed her thanks in a meeting organized by a mediator.

The man's full sentence: ten months in jail (six of which were suspended), along with the fine, mandatory psychiatric treatment, and orders to make no contact at all with his ex-girlfriend.

 Photo:  Ponsulak/Getty Images/iStockphoto
 from USA Today